Saturday, July 30, 2016

Inner Chi: Astrology Inspired Archetypal Peace Movement

"There are some of us who don't accept the dreams of dragons as their own, no matter how grand those dragons say they are.  Yes, there are some who refuse to drop the candle even when they are pushed into a dark cave and locked behind a stone . . . There is, you might recall, a kind of serious study that will give you the confidence to strike your match to the mighty wick; that will illuminate yet another portion of the darkness."


Be at peace, friends.  Be of good courage. Be not deceived by fear. Light a candle and share it with the world, whatever it is. Love. Find your bliss, and explore your Inner Chi.
Practicing movements like these will bring a sense of harmony and inner peace into your physical/mental/emotional body and provide a wonderful sense of well-being.  
Tai Chi as moving meditation is one form of my own bliss and light to share with my external world. This is a short series (about 12 minutes) of some of my favorite tai chi, qigong, and astrological tai chi movements I've practiced and taught for about 12 years now. In deep gratitude to my own teachers - masters Mingtong Gu, Daniel Lally, and Scott Cole.  

**Note:  to book a private session (using Skype or in person) and learn specific movements that coincide with your natal astrology chart and your Soul's evolutionary intention,  visit for more information or 
contact me at

Thursday, June 11, 2015

This unique soul mandala became a study of time and space

Those who have had a NDE (Near Death Experience) have essentially stared both death (and life) in the face - and on some level - transcended it. If you ever looked into it you know that their stories all carry common themes, experiences, and afterward - transformations. It is my belief that there is a lot to learn from those who have been to these 'other realms'. This art piece in the form of a soul mandala/dream scape is my attempt to capture (at least insofar as a glimpse can do that) of the soul story, beauty, and unique life expression of a woman who died (temporarily) on an operating table in Denver in 1983. I feel that lives like hers offer us deep insight and tremendous perspective into the nature of time, our experience of living, and our total relationship with life itself.

This most recently completed soul mandala very much turned out more like a soul dream scape or landscape. It's a description of her experience with time and multi-dimensional nature that is not easy to put into words with description, but I'll try....
I took my time on this fascinating study of this individuals' sequence of her encouragement. We allowed the insights to unfold over many months, in fact, as we unpeeled the layers together. Conversations, consultations, multiple astrology readings, numerology calculations, archetypal investigation.... In her introduction to me she shared experiences I very much could relate to - going through a Near Death Experience and emerging as something new, modified, or altered on the other side of it. "Walk in" was the term she used to explain this new state of a soul that had taken the place or joined forces with the previous one, with the ultimate aim of fulfilling or completing her soul contract. I knew I was dealing with a very special situation here that would take my absolute best efforts to even attempt to adequately represent it. In my work I regularly call in my spirit guides to lead the steps of creation. This isn't always an intentional act, but often occurs spontaneously when the proper conditions and settings are met. Pretty simple really - 'tuning' into those 'channels' - distractions + remaining open with a capital 'O'. Presence and mindfulness - and this is exactly what was required in order to honor this special situation. I refused to fail at this beautiful opportunity, so here it is for you to see after countless hours of contemplation and creation. Hopefully I have done it some degree of justice.
The interpretation that came about from this deep study is further evidence in my view, that our lives are not linear, or even singular - but cyclical, multi-dimensional, even simultaneous. There are points of intersection, of overlap, where - at least in my own perception of Truth - we may open up to the idea that we very well may even be assisting our future and past selves in any given moment. Quantum physics and recent discoveries give us every indication and reason to believe and work with this possibility. Hopefully you take a moment to consider how this might work in your own life.
So I was confronted with this dilemma - how in {this} world would I be able to depict this phenomenon or personal insight, having seen, read, and felt it (for this person specifically) now?
Finally the image hit for me - descending down through my brain into my eyes and projecting out onto an initial large sketch. This would be a timeless realm, with portals reflecting the destination of the two souls I will refer to as "h" and "P". They wouldn't be 'just' destinations, but also entrance points to these lives, parallel (and shared) paths and existences. Their respective astrology charts ascend out of a multi-tiered matrix representing the cyclical, interconnected nature of her lives and of life in general.
The overall setting and location I designed is to represent this place between spaces where souls decide to contract and enter respective worlds, existences...
The Pleides constellation is both in the sky, and reflected in the entrances to each of these lives/portals. The Pleiades, as she had described, is her home - and I'm reinforcing and reflecting that because she does in fact have constellation Taurus on her IC (home, family, ancestry, spiritual DNA) in her natal chart, so I (personally) see that feeling/perception/knowing as entirely plausible and likely. At the very least this would indicate that she have brought in (incarnated with) DNA from that star system.
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Virgo - all clearly important and pivotal archetypal expressions on her respective journey. Yet the details (even her multiple incarnations of names that came through the respective events that led to a shared soul contract experience) didn't ultimately matter much to her - as a week 4 Pisces sun sign - this is not the least bit surprising -- her connection to the experience of life is much more universal, much more unattached to outcome or even the body she inhabits. She has a beautiful relationship to the impermanence of life.

This is a deeply sensitive soul tuned in to mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. She feels and understands Gaia in a rather uncommon way, to a rather uncommon degree. Her (volunteer) work, in part, encompasses sitting with the lives at their final breaths - easing their transition to the next realms, worlds. She is a perfect example of the 'all is one' principle. She embodies the wisdom that there is truly no separation between all things or beings. She has much to teach us....and fortunate are those who have had ears to listen and eyes to see. Pay attention my friends, there are angels walking among us who incarnate purely with the intention of helping in the evolution - and might even have forgotten to allow themselves the gifts they have earned in the process. Please look for, recognize, and honor them. I invite you to give them some of the love back that they so generously offer the planet as a whole as well as in their immediate environments.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Introducing Soul Mandala Art - Designed with your Energy in Mind 

A few years ago I started creating what I call 'Soul Mandala' art pieces.  While working with clients doing various energy readings and modalities such as personal archetypal chart casting and interpretation, Tibetan Shamanism guided imagery sessions,  as well was evolutionary astrology chart readings - it dawned on me that not only was there an art form to integrating this information holistically as all of the information is layered and strung together, but that each person and their respective energies really are an art form in themselves.  We are so beautifully designed - honestly more than I had ever imagined.  And the syncronicity of it all is astounding.  For those who do these types of subtle energy work or have have traveled this road - you know what I'm talking about - the threads of truth simply reveal themselves when we open the door and peer inside.  So finally I figured out a way to fluidly connect these dots and put it all together into a simple cohesive visual image that could  make this tangible - from the realm of thought to that of physical form.  It has been an absolute joy and honor to create these for people  --- and for those who may not know this is a service/product I offer - now you do! ;-)  Below is an example:

Soul Mandala - Astro Chart Art by Drew Mackey
 all rights reserved

*This example is a combination of her unique astrology mandala via natal chart, chosen archetypes, themes and corresponding imagery work in harmony to create a synergistic mandala of her soul path in this lifetime. Each piece will take on a life of it's own. It's a co-creative process. *

I also see these works as a singular image that helps us to feel validated about who we are, who we want to be, and how to manage our respective energies, once we are fully in touch with them.

So to that effect - I'm offering a special price on Astro Chart Art by commission as I continue to take this work a little more public and share these mixed media art pieces designed with your energy in mind!   $297 for an Energy Reading and personal Mandala commissioned artwork.  

Your Soul Mandala art piece is uniquely created with your birth info (removed in above example) and personal archetypal themes, astrology chart, imagery, significant numerology and destiny elements and soul evolution (including south/north node) in mind.  

What exactly are these?
Soul Mandala art pieces are loved by those who are active in their personal growth, interested in self exploration, or are excited about re-membering and honoring their personal life path and soul's sacred journey. I create them using mixed media (acrylic painting, digital painting and drawing, and photography).

The natal astrology chart itself is a graph formed by the position of the planets at the moment of your birth -  a 'snapshot' of the heavens as you entered the physical world.  The resulting angular relationships and configurations between the planets create a beautiful sacred geometrical pattern that can be utilized as a self-actualizing image (meditative mandala) for integrating all parts of the self (or facilitate personal health balance or recovery) in a holistic way. These symbols are therefore opportunities for deep connection into ourselves and our personal power.  Hang it somewhere you'll see it often to enhance the 'feng-shui' like effect and watch the energy move, change, and flow.

They make great gifts to yourself - or for a friend or loved one.  
Place an order to have a personally created soul mandala for you by sending a message to:, or via messenger on Facebook. Please follow the link below if you wish to see more examples - at Andrew Mackey Visionary Art on Facebook. 


  • The finished product - a high resolution digital art file is emailed to you for printing. The size in inches/feet varies by design and persona preference. Often I create them around 3 ft by 3 ft for example. You can print at any size that suits your tastes/needs. 
  • high resolution art image is created to be printed on high quality photo paper, canvas, bamboo, metal or whatever you like.
  • There may be a waiting list. Please allow up to 2-4 weeks from date of order once you have made the purchase and your position in the queue comes up.